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And yesterday evening, when he followed me, I kissed him ... I do not know how to resolved ... Just wanted very much to the taste of his lips, I wanted to know how he kisses. I guess I lost my mind from that kiss, or before? I think I fell in love. Yes, and how can you not fall in love in him. He's so strong, handsome, clever, and knew so much, parents are rich, the car he had bought, but after school my father in his business will take. Yes, with Discount Viagra Pills him not fail, I will not, as my "fathers" take a penny from paycheck to paycheck. Next to him I feel like a little child, and I like how he cares about me. No, I just fell in love. And suddenly, his parents will be against our meetings? While there, we meet for three weeks and, so far, nothing. I think that the best husband I can not find. Although I am not quite sure what really love it. Well this is nothing, as they say - can endure, slyubitsya. We must fall in love with him more, while others did not find.
Unfortunately, I often have to explain 14, 15-year-old girls on the most common mistakes in building relations Female Viagra with the opposite sex. Boys, boys, because of their psychological characteristics, are less susceptible and do not "bother" of this nonsense, though they have their own specific experiences.
In this age of speed, all-consuming Internet, mobile communications the whole society lives in a very high pace. Younger and the period of first love, first kiss ... first sexual intercourse. And it is very hard, sometimes, to explain the 12-year old girl that the feelings she feels for the boy from a parallel class is not love, but simply love. How many of them will still be in her life - depends on how well she will learn some simple, some psychological axiom. Interconversion of friendship - love - love is perfectly natural development of relations. The more you communicate with someone, the more Cheap Generic Viagra Online and get to know and understand it, and that is exactly what we lack, moreover, both parties. Ultimately, everything in this world obeys the laws of development and decay. The development of relations is not the same as that of their decay, while being similar. There are significant differences between the two processes: the death of a love of the stage dislike (hate) can fall out, and friendships can not be saved. Although it is not excluded: some couples even after a divorce in a position to maintain normal friendly relations, some are enemies for life, but it depends on the level of their intellectual and psychological development. Many lovers surprised by the fact that for the understanding and acceptance of each other (actually love) takes at least a year, and not three weeks. According to statistics, a woman falls for 8-10 times in a lifetime, that is, every 7-10 years, and man 4-6. With early marriage (up to 20 years for males and 18 females), one of the risk factors for divorce. On the other hand, too late to marry (30-32 in males and 25-27 for women) also expose their relationship to the risk Herbal Viagra of short-lived, because by that age a person becomes his own style and pace of life and adapt to changes it is difficult . These same risk factors include the notorious and the age difference of more than five years, and different levels of education, different place of residence (and how often the girl from the backwoods dreams of marrying a Muscovite!). No less important is the similarity of the location of the social hierarchy of families of both lovers: a girl from an ordinary working families are not able to happily live with the husband of a professor. Either it will reach the level of a spouse, or continually blame is not very "advanced" in intellectual development and economic stability of families. Strange but true - if the girl's two sisters Order Viagra Without Prescription and brother, and he was the only child in the family - is hard to imagine this couple happily living together. According to statistics, too short (three months) or too long a period of courtship (over three years) is also unsuitable for building long-term relationships. If in three years did not dare to make an offer hands and hearts - most likely will not do. Well, if one spouse has many Natural Viagra friends of the opposite sex - is not simply an excuse for jealousy. No wonder there is a saying: "Friendship between a man and a woman does not exist."
Each mature woman knows that a child can not hold a single man, as well as the fact that difficulties in relations with the parents of spouses are inevitable, especially if they live nearby. But it is experienced, educated women, and girls are naive to believe that a child can Purchase Generic Viagra Online strengthen the relationship and the favorite will always protect them, even from parents. Not to mention premarital pregnancy and the source of negative attitudes towards marriage, the parents of one spouse.
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If you have already decided and are confident in their feelings - happy sailing in the waters of family life and be happy!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
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1. Когда Вы голодны, ни в коем случае нельзя заниматься приготовлением еды. При приступах голода надо чем-то отвлечься. Сгодится даже жевательная резинка. Она дает ощущение сытости (хотя и ложное) и ослабляет желание съесть чего-нибудь вкусненькое.
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3. С утра натощак следует выпивать рюмку оливкового масла – это улучшает обмен веществ.
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5. Второе блюдо надо есть с острой приправой (например, соус табаско или чили). Благодаря этому отбивается охота к сладкому.
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7. Перед основным приемом пищи можно также съесть два куска сахара. В результате содержание сахара в крови временно резко возрастет и чувство голода уменьшится. А это в свою очередь приведет к тому, что Вы не съедите больше положенного.
8. Перед основным приемом пищи не следует есть хлеб (ни с маслом, ни без него).
9. Аппетит традиционно возрастает к уик-енду. Значит, в выходные перед едой надо пробежаться несколько минут, что активизирует высвобождение серотонина в мозгу. Этот гормон вызывает чувство удовлетворенности, которое приглушает аппетит.
10. Для любителей сладкого рекомендуется заменять пирожные или кусочки шоколада на любимые фрукты, протертые и смешанные с творогом.
11. Есть надо понемногу каждые 3 часа. Благодаря этому обмен веществ поддерживается на должном уровне и организм не требует накопления запасов «горючего».
12. Прием пищи не должен ограничиваться лишь потреблением зелени в виде салата, т.к. она не насыщает человеческий организм. К салату следует добавлять кусок мяса индейки или курицы – это предотвращает приступы волчьего голода.
13. Регулярное снабжайте организм витамином В6, т.к. он способствует выработке уже упоминавшегося серотонина. Больше всего серотонина содержится в шампиньонах и молочных продуктах.
14. Забудьте о существовании лифтов (если Вы, конечно, не находитесь в пятидесятиэтажном небоскребе). Надо ходить по лестнице. Благодаря этому в течение 10 минут расходуется 83 калории, что даже больше, чем при езде на велосипеде (там за те же 10 минут расходуется 75 калорий).
15. Потребляйте малокалорийные, но дающие ощущение сытости продукты. Например, яблоки, виноград, вареную картошку, макароны.
2. Блюда следует приправлять йодированной солью, а также сознательно подбирать продукты, содержащие йод. Дело в том, что йод является катализатором жиросжигания в организме.
3. С утра натощак следует выпивать рюмку оливкового масла – это улучшает обмен веществ.
4. Мясо лучше заменить жаренными или тушеными грибами. Они такие же сытные, но менее калорийные (100 г грибов содержат около 25 калорий).
5. Второе блюдо надо есть с острой приправой (например, соус табаско или чили). Благодаря этому отбивается охота к сладкому.
6. Перед обедом (или заменяющим его наиболее обильным приемом пищи) следует выпить чашку бульона. Это создает чувство сытости, в результате чего за основной трапезой Вы съедите меньше.
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7. Перед основным приемом пищи можно также съесть два куска сахара. В результате содержание сахара в крови временно резко возрастет и чувство голода уменьшится. А это в свою очередь приведет к тому, что Вы не съедите больше положенного.
8. Перед основным приемом пищи не следует есть хлеб (ни с маслом, ни без него).
9. Аппетит традиционно возрастает к уик-енду. Значит, в выходные перед едой надо пробежаться несколько минут, что активизирует высвобождение серотонина в мозгу. Этот гормон вызывает чувство удовлетворенности, которое приглушает аппетит.
10. Для любителей сладкого рекомендуется заменять пирожные или кусочки шоколада на любимые фрукты, протертые и смешанные с творогом.
11. Есть надо понемногу каждые 3 часа. Благодаря этому обмен веществ поддерживается на должном уровне и организм не требует накопления запасов «горючего».
12. Прием пищи не должен ограничиваться лишь потреблением зелени в виде салата, т.к. она не насыщает человеческий организм. К салату следует добавлять кусок мяса индейки или курицы – это предотвращает приступы волчьего голода.
13. Регулярное снабжайте организм витамином В6, т.к. он способствует выработке уже упоминавшегося серотонина. Больше всего серотонина содержится в шампиньонах и молочных продуктах.
14. Забудьте о существовании лифтов (если Вы, конечно, не находитесь в пятидесятиэтажном небоскребе). Надо ходить по лестнице. Благодаря этому в течение 10 минут расходуется 83 калории, что даже больше, чем при езде на велосипеде (там за те же 10 минут расходуется 75 калорий).
15. Потребляйте малокалорийные, но дающие ощущение сытости продукты. Например, яблоки, виноград, вареную картошку, макароны.
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It turns out that at present the problem of controlling the muscles solved. There remains only the problem of complex and simultaneous control of all muscles of paralyzed limbs in such a way that would ensure its proper functioning. Shaifer and his cohorts have already doing research in this area are aimed at developing a device that will receive signals directly from the patient's brain, process them using special software, and in accordance with this trigger the paralyzed limb.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
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At each of our attempt to lose weight through exercise, we repeat the same mistakes. How, after all, the tables calories printed in black and white - the harder and more intense exercise, the more calories burned! Very logical. So we have taken for it is often very sharply, preferring to run normal walking or hard fitness easier exercises. We overcome himself and his "I can not, do not want," pant, sweat ... But the result often get only two options:
1. We can not always withstand such a terrible burden and, eventually, throwing all.
2. If we still continue to consistently make fun of themselves, our bodies, "releasing of funds" small change 1.3 kg, suddenly defaults, and virtually freezes the weight loss, then we often end up the same, and this in step 1.
Why is this happening:
a) We produce a very tough violence on themselves. If we are not masochists or people who are fun to overcome difficulties, from the morning until the end of the workout dwell in the light (or more severe) depression, ie themselves oppressed metabolism, which does not promote weight loss.
b) In our body there is one big secret that we often do not bother to inform doctors, nutritionists, trainers: the body turns on the internal fat diet only after 40 minutes after the start of practice (until then burnt sugar only). Therefore, people have grown weary daily 30-minute jog, throw a lot less weight than, for example, if he had just taken a very burdensome walking at a brisk pace for 1 hour.
Conclusion: the weight loss is often more influenced by the duration of training, but not its intensity. Being engaged in an exhausting exercise, we often "fizzles out" long before its completion or the time when it will truly benefit, whereas it is moderate load can make clock (a simple example - a campaign).
a) Have you ever thought why exercising with a barbell and other "iron", thus burning calories just furious, people hardly lose weight, even if in the process of eating a little bit? Why do many people (not having problems in terms of hormones and blood sugar), torturing themselves for hours in the gym, they often get the same result? Before we explain the situation, give you an example from personal experience:
In the early 90's, while total unemployment and hyperinflation, I had to quit "chistoplyuystvo" and hire a private construction laborer. Meshal solution, carrying buckets and bags of all sorts of things, sawed planks, dug trenches and carried a lot of very demanding operations tempo "run". All in all - worked at a furious pace (per day three times changed his robe soaked then) 10 or more hours with 1 or 0 output per week. Often after working download-unloading wagon. At the same time, on occasion, hired a security guard at half rate, because the place was dysfunctional, then could not sleep particularly (in a month I figured since realized that sustain such a pace can not physically).
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In this terrible regime, I spent about 5 months. Ate very little, because absolutely no appetite and had only one desire - to sleep. Want to know how much I took off for 5 months? 6-7 KGS (!!!) If I just ate as much as then, is simply lying on the couch and, occasionally, lightly exercised, it would be dropped during this time at least 2 times more! It may be that adipose tissue is gradually replaced by a simple muscle that muffled the overall weight loss? No - I was working with small weights in a fast, "diaphoretic" pace (as one would say bodybuilders - "for relief"); ate and rested a little, I do not contribute to muscle growth. They are definitely stronger, but no longer have.
So why am I passing such a hell (reassuring yourself that, and earn some money, and thinner at the same time), weight loss is much smaller than conventional Nonstrict diet??
Then I could not myself answer this question. Now I can (however, such conclusions I have already voiced in other words):
1. Conclusion Research: Our body is wise, like nature itself. It is programmed to preserve life and human efficiency in extreme situations, so when excessive overspending of energy, it works on the accumulation and minimal expense. Unfortunately, scientists still can not give an answer, how does the body get energy, where an overrun of its huge, and fat consumed very little.
2. Unscientific conclusion: The scientists who conducted many scientific experiments have proved that yoga adherents of different exercises or just people fluent in the art of self-hypnosis, can not drink for weeks, not months there (eating "prana" of ordinary water, is one such Crank went on - He drank water through a straw ... inserting her own ass!). The human body has a fantastic capability, and such people force self-hypnosis (or the impact of different methods and the energies that are not yet scientifically unproven) causes the body to obey him.
We are not the titans of spirit, so do not have any control over the body (in other words - we are for him not the authority). We (the person) for the organism does not exist. It acts by itself, and being raised in extreme situations (wild load, lack of food), take the energy of at least "from space". To us, the mind, personality, shouting and beating their heads apstenu in this case is useless. Who is stronger - and that maps of the minefields.
In this situation, you can only give one piece of advice: do not wake in the body the beast! Use the softer methods of influence, because the harder the impact - less will be dropped kilogram - more will be recruited later. And no other way. Asceticism and self-sacrifice in the diet will do more harm than, for example, maintaining the same diet and physical activity, to which you are accustomed.
1. We can not always withstand such a terrible burden and, eventually, throwing all.
2. If we still continue to consistently make fun of themselves, our bodies, "releasing of funds" small change 1.3 kg, suddenly defaults, and virtually freezes the weight loss, then we often end up the same, and this in step 1.
Why is this happening:
a) We produce a very tough violence on themselves. If we are not masochists or people who are fun to overcome difficulties, from the morning until the end of the workout dwell in the light (or more severe) depression, ie themselves oppressed metabolism, which does not promote weight loss.
b) In our body there is one big secret that we often do not bother to inform doctors, nutritionists, trainers: the body turns on the internal fat diet only after 40 minutes after the start of practice (until then burnt sugar only). Therefore, people have grown weary daily 30-minute jog, throw a lot less weight than, for example, if he had just taken a very burdensome walking at a brisk pace for 1 hour.
Conclusion: the weight loss is often more influenced by the duration of training, but not its intensity. Being engaged in an exhausting exercise, we often "fizzles out" long before its completion or the time when it will truly benefit, whereas it is moderate load can make clock (a simple example - a campaign).
a) Have you ever thought why exercising with a barbell and other "iron", thus burning calories just furious, people hardly lose weight, even if in the process of eating a little bit? Why do many people (not having problems in terms of hormones and blood sugar), torturing themselves for hours in the gym, they often get the same result? Before we explain the situation, give you an example from personal experience:
In the early 90's, while total unemployment and hyperinflation, I had to quit "chistoplyuystvo" and hire a private construction laborer. Meshal solution, carrying buckets and bags of all sorts of things, sawed planks, dug trenches and carried a lot of very demanding operations tempo "run". All in all - worked at a furious pace (per day three times changed his robe soaked then) 10 or more hours with 1 or 0 output per week. Often after working download-unloading wagon. At the same time, on occasion, hired a security guard at half rate, because the place was dysfunctional, then could not sleep particularly (in a month I figured since realized that sustain such a pace can not physically).
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In this terrible regime, I spent about 5 months. Ate very little, because absolutely no appetite and had only one desire - to sleep. Want to know how much I took off for 5 months? 6-7 KGS (!!!) If I just ate as much as then, is simply lying on the couch and, occasionally, lightly exercised, it would be dropped during this time at least 2 times more! It may be that adipose tissue is gradually replaced by a simple muscle that muffled the overall weight loss? No - I was working with small weights in a fast, "diaphoretic" pace (as one would say bodybuilders - "for relief"); ate and rested a little, I do not contribute to muscle growth. They are definitely stronger, but no longer have.
So why am I passing such a hell (reassuring yourself that, and earn some money, and thinner at the same time), weight loss is much smaller than conventional Nonstrict diet??
Then I could not myself answer this question. Now I can (however, such conclusions I have already voiced in other words):
1. Conclusion Research: Our body is wise, like nature itself. It is programmed to preserve life and human efficiency in extreme situations, so when excessive overspending of energy, it works on the accumulation and minimal expense. Unfortunately, scientists still can not give an answer, how does the body get energy, where an overrun of its huge, and fat consumed very little.
2. Unscientific conclusion: The scientists who conducted many scientific experiments have proved that yoga adherents of different exercises or just people fluent in the art of self-hypnosis, can not drink for weeks, not months there (eating "prana" of ordinary water, is one such Crank went on - He drank water through a straw ... inserting her own ass!). The human body has a fantastic capability, and such people force self-hypnosis (or the impact of different methods and the energies that are not yet scientifically unproven) causes the body to obey him.
We are not the titans of spirit, so do not have any control over the body (in other words - we are for him not the authority). We (the person) for the organism does not exist. It acts by itself, and being raised in extreme situations (wild load, lack of food), take the energy of at least "from space". To us, the mind, personality, shouting and beating their heads apstenu in this case is useless. Who is stronger - and that maps of the minefields.
In this situation, you can only give one piece of advice: do not wake in the body the beast! Use the softer methods of influence, because the harder the impact - less will be dropped kilogram - more will be recruited later. And no other way. Asceticism and self-sacrifice in the diet will do more harm than, for example, maintaining the same diet and physical activity, to which you are accustomed.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
realize that so many shades
All covered with greenery, absolutely all, a wonderful island in the ocean is ... Lovers of fairy tales about the fairies and the famous Irish dance consider this magical island. It is really unusual - an emerald green, the whole surface is divided into field-rectangles, as if made from pieces of animal fur bizarre. Arriving in Ireland, of course, immediately aspire to the capital - Dublin. The city should appeal to you if you are romantic, because on these streets were Oscar Wilde, James Joyce, his famous Bloom and other "Dubliners", Jonathan Swift was born here. But those who are looking for traces of the Druids in Dublin, Cuchulain, and other mythological Irish characters are unlikely to find much of interest.
Here, like "modern" heroes. Michael Collins - a man who fought for the liberation of Ireland from the English yoke, and in 1921 signed an agreement on the independence of Ireland - this is a national hero. In Dublin there is a street named after him, and the monument, and in one of the county council even named in his honor, as though he were some kind of saint. Those who are interested in this person, can look quite добротный Neil Jordan's film "Michael Collins". But back to Dublin.
The streets of the city are touring boat amphibious Vikings, which then descend into the river and 10 minutes of swimming the muddy water. Of course, the joy of riding at this unit depends heavily on your knowledge of English, the driver's sense of humor and desire to growl at passers-by. But just try to sit is near the beginning of the rooks, otherwise have to inhale the fumes avtochudovischa.
For those who want to get on tour easier fit the special double-decker buses (to choose from which are: regular tours with interpreters, bus Ghosts (Dublin - hometown Bremm Stoker - author of "Dracula"), rock 'n' Roll bus, etc.). Just do not confuse them with public transport. There is in Dublin to look at what architecture lovers and connoisseurs of dark Irish beer. As a guide, the Irish themselves do not like beer, they just have great respect for the Guinness for what he has done much for Ireland, why spend so much time in pubs. Good excuse.
Those who were not attracted to pubs, lured Dublin parks - in the warm season here you can see the idea of a theater, and always willing to feed fat ducks and gulls alone.
In fact, in my opinion, fans of European capitals, Dublin may disappoint. But listen to me better, because there is some innuendo, some mystery. Traveling around the country waits for the set of locks and amazing nature. Please note, in each county - and there are 26 - there are at least two locks, which are the official tourist attraction, and a dozen lesser-known, often abandoned castles and abbeys. But the three architectural landmarks, which simply need to visit in Ireland - is Malahayd, Bantry and Blarney.
Each of them has its own peculiarity. In Malahayde located near Dublin, in addition to an interesting tour of the castle itself, you can visit the railway museum and look at modelki trains. This is a room for young and older boys. Another must look at the Toy Museum, which is a wonderful puppet castle, consisting of many small komnatok with miniature furniture made of different materials - wood, bone, metal, malachite, etc.
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Why do some children are not very admire such a wealth, but adults, especially women, squealing with delight.
When Banrati Castle in County Clare can learn more about the medieval Irish way of life. Next to the monumental structure are small houses that introduce visitors to the living conditions of villagers. And in the castle itself can gaze at the interiors of the rich and to visit the "medieval" admission to this dinner, music and even to be represented by "masters of the castle.
Dinner, of course, will. But the question of Irish cuisine - quite difficult. The thing that really, except for Guinness and whiskey, no other purely Irish dishes in this country no. Brought from the New World potatoes almost irretrievably ruined Irish cuisine with her rabbit, lamb and wild mushrooms. Even the famous Irish stew prepared everywhere in different ways and not very inspiring. Here is securely settled fastfood. A hamburger can be ordered almost anywhere, even in steep restaurant. Who will really want to try is the local food, see that was composed of the same old ubiquitous Guinness and whiskey (for example, in the beer battered fish or meat in Viskova sauce with wild mushrooms).
But back to the locks. Blarney in County Cork - the most legendary castle. Here is kept a stone of eloquence. Kiss artifact - get this gift. Mineral - part of the famous Stone of Scone, because of which more than once quarreled Scotland and England. True, there is one zagvozdochka. It is said that this stone of eloquence is not in the place which rastselovyvayut tourists. It turns out that kiss this stone is really dangerous to life, because you can and navernutsya, and the owners of attractions memorize and moved the official seat of a kiss to another stone. But perhaps this is just idle gossip. Also in Blarney is what to look and apart from stone.
There are fabulous gardens - a miracle of landscape design. In this tale can be found and a kitchen witch, and the desires of the ladder, and the terms of the Druids, and the clearing of fairies, and the track in the style of bredberievskogo "A Sound of Thunder", and waterfalls, and now the Irish miracle - the trees. Druids knew where to settle - such magical plants, as in Ireland, where he met little. Pines giant, spreading oaks with acorns funny, trees, fused with stones, and something like a tree ferns (and perhaps it is they have). That is the nature of the Irish makes you realize that so many shades of green, that the wealth of Russian language is not enough to designate them. Pathetic emerald, green, herbal, Umbria, even with the addition of warm-cold and dark-light, do not give even a half before there shades.
So in Ireland there is much to look at. But keep in mind that the mood and the impression can ruin the capricious weather of this country. Constant winds and a variety of rain - that without which Ireland is not a single day. Only in the late spring and early fall you can catch the serene Days. In the rest of the tourists are experiencing what is known Irish horizontal rain, quickly replaced by sunny weather, but again comes with the new cloud, brought by strong winds from the ocean.
Here, like "modern" heroes. Michael Collins - a man who fought for the liberation of Ireland from the English yoke, and in 1921 signed an agreement on the independence of Ireland - this is a national hero. In Dublin there is a street named after him, and the monument, and in one of the county council even named in his honor, as though he were some kind of saint. Those who are interested in this person, can look quite добротный Neil Jordan's film "Michael Collins". But back to Dublin.
The streets of the city are touring boat amphibious Vikings, which then descend into the river and 10 minutes of swimming the muddy water. Of course, the joy of riding at this unit depends heavily on your knowledge of English, the driver's sense of humor and desire to growl at passers-by. But just try to sit is near the beginning of the rooks, otherwise have to inhale the fumes avtochudovischa.
For those who want to get on tour easier fit the special double-decker buses (to choose from which are: regular tours with interpreters, bus Ghosts (Dublin - hometown Bremm Stoker - author of "Dracula"), rock 'n' Roll bus, etc.). Just do not confuse them with public transport. There is in Dublin to look at what architecture lovers and connoisseurs of dark Irish beer. As a guide, the Irish themselves do not like beer, they just have great respect for the Guinness for what he has done much for Ireland, why spend so much time in pubs. Good excuse.
Those who were not attracted to pubs, lured Dublin parks - in the warm season here you can see the idea of a theater, and always willing to feed fat ducks and gulls alone.
In fact, in my opinion, fans of European capitals, Dublin may disappoint. But listen to me better, because there is some innuendo, some mystery. Traveling around the country waits for the set of locks and amazing nature. Please note, in each county - and there are 26 - there are at least two locks, which are the official tourist attraction, and a dozen lesser-known, often abandoned castles and abbeys. But the three architectural landmarks, which simply need to visit in Ireland - is Malahayd, Bantry and Blarney.
Each of them has its own peculiarity. In Malahayde located near Dublin, in addition to an interesting tour of the castle itself, you can visit the railway museum and look at modelki trains. This is a room for young and older boys. Another must look at the Toy Museum, which is a wonderful puppet castle, consisting of many small komnatok with miniature furniture made of different materials - wood, bone, metal, malachite, etc.
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Why do some children are not very admire such a wealth, but adults, especially women, squealing with delight.
When Banrati Castle in County Clare can learn more about the medieval Irish way of life. Next to the monumental structure are small houses that introduce visitors to the living conditions of villagers. And in the castle itself can gaze at the interiors of the rich and to visit the "medieval" admission to this dinner, music and even to be represented by "masters of the castle.
Dinner, of course, will. But the question of Irish cuisine - quite difficult. The thing that really, except for Guinness and whiskey, no other purely Irish dishes in this country no. Brought from the New World potatoes almost irretrievably ruined Irish cuisine with her rabbit, lamb and wild mushrooms. Even the famous Irish stew prepared everywhere in different ways and not very inspiring. Here is securely settled fastfood. A hamburger can be ordered almost anywhere, even in steep restaurant. Who will really want to try is the local food, see that was composed of the same old ubiquitous Guinness and whiskey (for example, in the beer battered fish or meat in Viskova sauce with wild mushrooms).
But back to the locks. Blarney in County Cork - the most legendary castle. Here is kept a stone of eloquence. Kiss artifact - get this gift. Mineral - part of the famous Stone of Scone, because of which more than once quarreled Scotland and England. True, there is one zagvozdochka. It is said that this stone of eloquence is not in the place which rastselovyvayut tourists. It turns out that kiss this stone is really dangerous to life, because you can and navernutsya, and the owners of attractions memorize and moved the official seat of a kiss to another stone. But perhaps this is just idle gossip. Also in Blarney is what to look and apart from stone.
There are fabulous gardens - a miracle of landscape design. In this tale can be found and a kitchen witch, and the desires of the ladder, and the terms of the Druids, and the clearing of fairies, and the track in the style of bredberievskogo "A Sound of Thunder", and waterfalls, and now the Irish miracle - the trees. Druids knew where to settle - such magical plants, as in Ireland, where he met little. Pines giant, spreading oaks with acorns funny, trees, fused with stones, and something like a tree ferns (and perhaps it is they have). That is the nature of the Irish makes you realize that so many shades of green, that the wealth of Russian language is not enough to designate them. Pathetic emerald, green, herbal, Umbria, even with the addition of warm-cold and dark-light, do not give even a half before there shades.
So in Ireland there is much to look at. But keep in mind that the mood and the impression can ruin the capricious weather of this country. Constant winds and a variety of rain - that without which Ireland is not a single day. Only in the late spring and early fall you can catch the serene Days. In the rest of the tourists are experiencing what is known Irish horizontal rain, quickly replaced by sunny weather, but again comes with the new cloud, brought by strong winds from the ocean.
Monday, March 15, 2010
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Being engaged in pressure, follow the following pattern: doing the exercises - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale. Build its program this way: exercises for the lower press, then for oblique muscles, and in the finals for the muscles of the upper press.
Let's start with the simplest exercises: Starting position: lying on his back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind head, raising his body up, inhale and exhale, lower your body. It is important that the elbows have been divorced in hand, and not parallel to each other. Do not strain your neck muscles.
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Repeat 8-10 times, on three approaches.
Exercise for the muscles of the upper press.
Starting position: lying on his back, his hands lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees. Inspiration - raise the body with hands and tyanites up, exhale - return to the original
Repeat 8-10 times, on three approaches.
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This exercise can be performed at any time: Compress-unclench to force the abdominal muscles. Start with 20 reps again, then gradually increase the amount. Effective exercises are the slopes, throw the cards on the floor and collect one.
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Why can hurt back. Pumping the press was activated not only the abdominal muscles, but also for example, back. It is possible that the back muscles and appeared perenapryaglis microtrauma. Swing press at home. Elastic belly - the dream of any woman, and make it a reality is not so difficult, it is important to correctly implement the recommendations and regularly carry out exercises.
Being engaged in pressure, follow the following pattern: doing the exercises - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale. Build its program this way: exercises for the lower press, then for oblique muscles, and in the finals for the muscles of the upper press.
Let's start with the simplest exercises: Starting position: lying on his back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind head, raising his body up, inhale and exhale, lower your body. It is important that the elbows have been divorced in hand, and not parallel to each other. Do not strain your neck muscles.
You can take the exercises at the press of a system "six" Vader
A below monstyle.ru provide simple abdominal exercises for people who do not feel that the difficulties in the exercise. If you suffer from obesity, then you understand how difficult it sometimes perform certain exercises.
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Starting position: lying on his back, hands behind head, legs bent at the knees.
Inhaling, lift your legs, without straightening their knees at a right angle, then lower them on the floor on the left.
Exhale, raise the right angle and put on the floor. Repeat for the other side of the body.
Repeat 8-10 times, on three approaches.
Exercise for the muscles of the upper press.
Starting position: lying on his back, his hands lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees. Inspiration - raise the body with hands and tyanites up, exhale - return to the original
Repeat 8-10 times, on three approaches.
Exercise "massage of the abdomen.
This exercise can be performed at any time: Compress-unclench to force the abdominal muscles. Start with 20 reps again, then gradually increase the amount. Effective exercises are the slopes, throw the cards on the floor and collect one.
Another would like to talk about the program Oksisayz - a unique program, reminiscent Bodifleks about her Monstyle published video Oksisayz Marina Korpan, where the instructor talks about the system. Marina advises engage oksisayzom those who have problems "with fat" on the belly and who wants to remove his stomach after giving birth. Moreover, Marina recorded a CD with the program Oksisayz, where she recounts, and shows exercises. Hopefully, soon the disc will be released in circulation and now, everyone will be able to get video tutorials of Oksisayz!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
There are general rules, how to recognize low-level specialist or simply a charlatan. They developed and tested by U.S. psychologists many years ago. They relate not only to psychologists, but also astrologers, and healers of all stripes.
The main feature: how the man spends on advertising. For this expert does not need a big advertising. To him and so will a lot of people - thanks to popular rumor. It is noticed that if you continue more than three months, means that the man attracts patients ads, not as a result of good reviews of people whom he helped.
It is obvious that advertising in the media can make anyone "famous" healer, treating all diseases, solve all problems of life, as well as from any person - "great" statesman, able to save the country. However, a few weeks after the election comes disappointment.
I am familiar with many wonderful psychologists, astrologers, healers from God. They even would never arrange aggressive marketing company. They have another problem - how to find free time for creativity.
Another important indicator of quackery, according to psychologists - are various promotions such as: advice online, free answers to questions. Where is the main thing just to draw you something to respond very briefly, and the rest - pay.
The more a person feels a sense of greed and envy, the more easily manipulate it. Therefore, in the first place for such people it is important to call you a sense of greed: we will cure you of all diseases, HELP YOU - for free ...
In general, it is important to understand that "free" is often harmful to the person who receives, since it strengthens consumer sentiment - in this world you can get something for free. And even the one who gives free, because it corrupts people, and generally fosters pride in their own (how good I am, so many people helped). Giving free can only fully detached people, the saints.
If a person has not reached this level, his desire - to "catch up and cause good" - leads to a deterioration of karma and psychological problems. Also tend to provide free (or for a nominal fee) services to people who are not confident in themselves, do not respect themselves.
Very popular free to give different kinds of manipulators. Because the common man, after he had received something for free, there is a desire to somehow repay. And very often a man give a flower or even an advertising model, and he buys unneeded items.
A few days ago, my friends drove me to the middle of nowhere in the ancient Orthodox monasteries. We were told about the life of Elders. They treated people, simply by telling them, for what crime he is given the disease and what to do to neutralize this sin. And people are cured quickly and solve life's problems. Whatever these outback
Elders may live, no matter hid from the people, they come every day, hundreds of eager healing.
Love people - not to be trusted and open to all and sundry. "Trust, but verify." Best if you go to a specialist on the recommendation of friends, you heard it on radio, TV, read his books and you intuition screams - it's yours ...
Good luck!
p.s. Also there are some basic methods of manipulation, actively used in trade:
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- You have discussed all the terms of the contract already provides that the goods you have, but at the last moment of the seller (or buyer) changes the terms of the contract for any reason.
- Many people have a hard set - "expensive means quality." So often, especially in Russia, if the goods are unsold, it sharply raised the price. And how strange it was quickly dismantled ...
- Rule of contrast. If you take in one hand something hot, then the other hand, the usual thing you seem much colder. It used dealers expensive things.
For example, you buy a car, after paying the full amount you believe existent trifle, even rather pleasant addition to buy any more detail in the car - radio, blankets, etc. And you absolutely do not realize that the corner is all worth 3 times cheaper.
Many firms have a main income was inversely from the sale details.
- People are invited to something expensive and unnecessary, they refuse. But they offered something more profitable and cheap. For example the wife says to her husband: "We do not rest so long ago, let's drop everything and fly away for a week in Europe." He was in shock, the end of the year, so much work ... But then the wife continues, knowingly: "But at least let us went to the theater. And the trip to the opera is taken with a sigh of relief.
- People tend to agree with those who like them and agreeable to them (our countrymen, those with whom we share a common religion, hobbies, who are physically attractive, etc.) is also sympathy for the people there to those who praises them even if they understand that it is flattery. To those who bring good news. After eating better relationships to man.
- In the increasingly appreciated that less is available. Therefore, often creating an artificial shortage - the number of places, goods, etc. limited.
- Most people are inclined to follow blindly to authority, it allows to reduce time. In our age no longer respond to the authority as such, but on the trappings: titles, ranks, clothing, stamp machines, etc. Or the other extreme, the so-called syndrome of adolescent defiance of authority. That is why there is so much advertising: doctor authoritatively something tells viewers, or reported that such and such a celebrity uses it, then. alt
- The feeling of the crowd. When we say that it has already bought (read, visited), millions of people, it causes a great sense of confidence.
Main course - is the ability to live here and now, the desire to get rid of any use, jealousy, greed, selfishness, arrogance. Learn to say "no".
Good Luck!
The main feature: how the man spends on advertising. For this expert does not need a big advertising. To him and so will a lot of people - thanks to popular rumor. It is noticed that if you continue more than three months, means that the man attracts patients ads, not as a result of good reviews of people whom he helped.
It is obvious that advertising in the media can make anyone "famous" healer, treating all diseases, solve all problems of life, as well as from any person - "great" statesman, able to save the country. However, a few weeks after the election comes disappointment.
I am familiar with many wonderful psychologists, astrologers, healers from God. They even would never arrange aggressive marketing company. They have another problem - how to find free time for creativity.
Another important indicator of quackery, according to psychologists - are various promotions such as: advice online, free answers to questions. Where is the main thing just to draw you something to respond very briefly, and the rest - pay.
The more a person feels a sense of greed and envy, the more easily manipulate it. Therefore, in the first place for such people it is important to call you a sense of greed: we will cure you of all diseases, HELP YOU - for free ...
In general, it is important to understand that "free" is often harmful to the person who receives, since it strengthens consumer sentiment - in this world you can get something for free. And even the one who gives free, because it corrupts people, and generally fosters pride in their own (how good I am, so many people helped). Giving free can only fully detached people, the saints.
If a person has not reached this level, his desire - to "catch up and cause good" - leads to a deterioration of karma and psychological problems. Also tend to provide free (or for a nominal fee) services to people who are not confident in themselves, do not respect themselves.
Very popular free to give different kinds of manipulators. Because the common man, after he had received something for free, there is a desire to somehow repay. And very often a man give a flower or even an advertising model, and he buys unneeded items.
A few days ago, my friends drove me to the middle of nowhere in the ancient Orthodox monasteries. We were told about the life of Elders. They treated people, simply by telling them, for what crime he is given the disease and what to do to neutralize this sin. And people are cured quickly and solve life's problems. Whatever these outback
Elders may live, no matter hid from the people, they come every day, hundreds of eager healing.
Love people - not to be trusted and open to all and sundry. "Trust, but verify." Best if you go to a specialist on the recommendation of friends, you heard it on radio, TV, read his books and you intuition screams - it's yours ...
Good luck!
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- You have discussed all the terms of the contract already provides that the goods you have, but at the last moment of the seller (or buyer) changes the terms of the contract for any reason.
- Many people have a hard set - "expensive means quality." So often, especially in Russia, if the goods are unsold, it sharply raised the price. And how strange it was quickly dismantled ...
- Rule of contrast. If you take in one hand something hot, then the other hand, the usual thing you seem much colder. It used dealers expensive things.
For example, you buy a car, after paying the full amount you believe existent trifle, even rather pleasant addition to buy any more detail in the car - radio, blankets, etc. And you absolutely do not realize that the corner is all worth 3 times cheaper.
Many firms have a main income was inversely from the sale details.
- People are invited to something expensive and unnecessary, they refuse. But they offered something more profitable and cheap. For example the wife says to her husband: "We do not rest so long ago, let's drop everything and fly away for a week in Europe." He was in shock, the end of the year, so much work ... But then the wife continues, knowingly: "But at least let us went to the theater. And the trip to the opera is taken with a sigh of relief.
- People tend to agree with those who like them and agreeable to them (our countrymen, those with whom we share a common religion, hobbies, who are physically attractive, etc.) is also sympathy for the people there to those who praises them even if they understand that it is flattery. To those who bring good news. After eating better relationships to man.
- In the increasingly appreciated that less is available. Therefore, often creating an artificial shortage - the number of places, goods, etc. limited.
- Most people are inclined to follow blindly to authority, it allows to reduce time. In our age no longer respond to the authority as such, but on the trappings: titles, ranks, clothing, stamp machines, etc. Or the other extreme, the so-called syndrome of adolescent defiance of authority. That is why there is so much advertising: doctor authoritatively something tells viewers, or reported that such and such a celebrity uses it, then. alt
- The feeling of the crowd. When we say that it has already bought (read, visited), millions of people, it causes a great sense of confidence.
Main course - is the ability to live here and now, the desire to get rid of any use, jealousy, greed, selfishness, arrogance. Learn to say "no".
Good Luck!
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